Approvals carry the HDC meeting


The Historic District Commission returned to meeting twice a month, and commissioners handled a light agenda on Sept. 16.

Teodoro Herrera received unanimous approval for a proposed addition to one side of a duplex at 11 Midway St. The building dates to 1950 and is considered non-contributing. The addition will measure 18 x 45 ft. and will extend over the ground and street levels. The existing siding is asbestos shingle, which is no longer produced, but a fiber cement shingle will match as closely as possible.

The application included options for an oval or square light in a new entry door. Commissioner Marty Cogan left the choice with the applicant, saying, “That’s not germane to what we do. That expresses a personal opinion.”

  • All commissioners approved a Level II request for a fence and a parking pad at 27 Glen Ave. for Patrick and Dr. Stacey Burnett. The house dates to 1950 and is non-contributing. The new fence will have horizontal wood slats on black aluminum posts. The fence will run perpendicular to the north end of the house and will connect to an existing picket fence. The parking pad will be gravel with a stone border.
  • Dr. Ron Brons received an after-the-fact approval for work already performed at 118 Oakridge Dr. The property dates to 1985, and in a letter dated July 7, Brons said he did not know the property was in the historic district. The letter complained about difficulties Bron had faced in meeting city requirements, although Chair Dee Bright noted that the HDC had not had any interaction with Brons. “I want to make clear this is the first we’ve seen of this,” she said.

Bron had added an exterior door which he said provided an additional fire exit. He also enclosed 125 sq. ft. of porch.

Administrative approvals had been extended to simple Level II applications as a step in dealing with the Covid crisis. With a return to twice-monthly meetings, commissioners voted to once again bring all Level II applications before the commission for approval.

The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7. Level III applications are due by Sept. 23, and other levels are due by Sept. 30. The commission still has one vacancy.