Women apply interest and knowledge to healing


The city whose claim to fame in its early years was the miraculous healing power of its springs, is today still a center for healing practitioners. And now there is a “one-stop shopping” cooperative called Eureka Springs Healers located in a historic building at 78 Spring that once housed a doctor’s office.

“We each have our own practice and have come together as a cooperative,” charm reader Margo Elliott said. “We’re not competitors; the focus is that each client finds the service best suited to their needs. We offer services to help those seeking guidance, answers, and assistance on your healing path.”

Walking through the hallway and visiting the different offices is an experience in itself. Rooms are decorated with eclectic artwork and tools of the trade like crystals, a Rife machine, chakra banners, angel, fairy and Buddha statues, angel and oracle cards, charms, and a crystal ball. It almost feels like entering an alternate universe.

Michelle Foster said having a shared focus and vision is helpful to members of the cooperative.

“We have been active taking care of each other and looking out for the good of the whole group, which is really cool,” Foster said.

As a child, Foster learned from her grandmother about connecting with angels and spirit guides. She said her focus is to bring healing and awareness with love by sharing what your guides and angels want to relay to you. Her angel-guided readings are meant to empower people to find a positive direction in their lives. She is also a Reiki master and healing minister, available for weddings and spiritual counseling.

Mary Ann Podrasky, who has been a professional paranormal investigator for 45 years, said the spiritual community is what drew her to Eureka Springs. She said she has been gifted with the ability to see and contact spirits and their energy since she was very young and has been a working medium for more than 50 years.

“You can’t go anywhere in Eureka Springs without being to drawn to the energy of the past, present and future,” she said.

Podrasky is a Usui Reiki master, physical psychic medium, clairvoyant, professional paranormal investigator and spiritual counselor. She also does home blessings, crystal ball readings, Tarot card readings, palm readings, and mediumship sessions.

Elliott’s practice involves choosing charms/trinkets from a large assortment and placing them on the symbols on her leather mat. She said she connects with your angels and guides to interpret the layout to help you understand your situation and answer your questions. She is a certified Angel Card Reader™ and a Reiki master. She is also an interfaith minister (honoring all faiths) available for counseling, weddings, forgiveness ceremonies and graveside services for loved ones, human or pet.

Pat Nixon does aura photos.

“They can be a great tool showing imbalances you can use for balancing your energy,” she said. “I can do a full report on how to use what is learned from the aura photos. The ability to recognize and balance our energies has amazing benefits. Subtle energy fields (auras and chakras) affect our everyday lives as well as our health and happiness.”

In addition, Nixon has worked with stones and their healing energies making jewelry to balance energies for more than 15 years. Pat is also attuned as a Reiki master/teacher.

Cindy Wolf has been in healthcare for 37 years, and was introduced to the concept of the Rife Machine several years ago.

“The Rife Machine utilizes frequency treatment in energetic medicine,” Wolf said. “It was developed by Dr. Royal R. Rife in the 1930s. The Rife Machine uses a variable frequency, pulsed radio transmitter to produce mechanical resonance within the cells of the physical body. In the short time I have been working with the Rife Machine, I have witnessed many positive results for others, as well as myself.”

Candy Lindsey worked many years in the corporate world and acted as a caregiver to four family members. Then she found herself in the position to choose where she wanted to live and what she wanted to do.

“I’ve always loved Eureka Springs and made the move from Hot Springs in 2016,” Lindsey said. “I began training in healing touch in 2009 and became a healing touch certified practitioner in 2012.”

Lindsey said healing touch is an energy therapy that uses light touch to influence the human energy system, specifically the energy field that surrounds the body, and the energy centers that control the flow from the universal energy field to the physical body. The goal of healing touch is to restore balance and harmony in the energy system, placing the client in a position to self-heal.

Lindsey said she is delighted to be part of Eureka Springs Healers.

“Conversations within the healing community always seem to include dreams of a healing center,” Lindsey said. “The perfect space became available and Eureka Springs Healers was born.”

The healers give homage to the late Marie Turnock, who organized conferences and did healing work in Eureka Springs for many years.

“Marie set out with a dream like many others doing healing work,” Elliott said. “She obtained the domain name of www.EurekaSpringsHealers.com back in 2009. Her death in October of 2014 was deeply felt by everyone who knew her. We are honored to share and expand that vision to serve the local community and visitors.”

The cooperative is open Thursday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and available by appointment on Monday through Wednesday. Winter hours may vary, so please call to confirm if they are open. For more info, see the website, call (479) 244-9671, email info@eurekaspringshealers.com.