Why is the City of Holiday Island not focusing on vital aspects of citizen welfare and property, water distribution and fire safety?


There have been several local news articles reporting that businesses have not obtained a Holiday Island business license. Mayor Kees was quoted saying, “Step three would be if the business still fails to comply with the ordinance and continues to operate after the receipt of a cease-and-desist order, then a citation will be issued with a maximum potential fine of $500 a day, starting with the date of the cease-and-desist order, which is again, per our ordinance.”

A quote from a March 15, 2023, published Business License Notice includes the statement, “The City Council has determined that business licenses are necessary for the reasons set forth above and, in order to anticipate the needs of emergency personnel, to protect the city sewer and water system from contamination, and to provide for more efficient fire protection.” One of the stated reasons for getting business licenses is to protect our water system and fire protection.

The Holiday Island City Planning Commission has published its purpose as: “… coordinated, adjusted, and harmonious development of the City of Holiday Island and it’s [sic] environs and the activities associated with urban planning … orderly growth of the community, protection of property values and the interest of its residents … to provide for the public welfare, safety, comfort and convenience of its citizens.”

Cities have the responsibility to enforce codes that protect the health & welfare of the community as well as property, and the city of Holiday Island has openly published this purpose. Holiday Island has the authority to adopt the Arkansas State Fire Code (which includes codes for hydrants and water flow testing), American Water Works Standards, the National Standard Plumbing Code, and the international building codes, etc.

How can new building development be planned on a fragile water system that leaks 60–80%? Or when there are wells that need work? How can there be protection of property values and welfare of residents if water customers are paying more than $80,000 a year in electricity for leaked water via high water bills that are one of the highest in the state? How can there be adequate safety if water flow is not adequate for fire protection? Or if there is hydrant use during a fire or a test causes contaminants to flow into the perforated water system? Why would the city or HISID even consider advertising in attempt to bring in any kind of new building or development when the current infrastructure is struggling to efficiently handle what is already here?

Dear community members, city council members and commission members, please support the adoption & enforcement of minimal uniform fire, plumbing, water works and building safety codes and that these be enforced on all property that lies in Holiday Island, not just homeowners’ or small businesses. The city authority [has] the responsibility to pressure HISID to prioritize the most vital services for health and prioritize care of dilapidated infrastructure. Infrastructure issues that can not only harm property values, but hinder development and the future of Holiday Island. It is time to prioritize the people of Holiday Island. 

Gia Voorheis