Where there’s smoke there’s Republicans?



  Today, Monday the last day of February, was a beautiful day. I try to be happy and thankful for nature and her beauty.

  However, in the evening, we could hardly breathe for the thick cloud of smoke all over town. The ESFD said it was a “controlled burning” of 4,000 acres in Franklin County. I have been told that this is the only way to prevent huge forest fires. I don’t believe the U.S. Forest Service.

  If our government really cared about our forests, the birds, the animals and people who do not care to breathe smoke, they could hire some unemployed people for $15 an hour and cut the underbrush, etc. No? It’s easier to just “control the burn?”

  More good news from the Republicans – a bill has passed in the Congress weakening any legislation concerning wildlife, protecting endangered species, elephants, et al. 

           More examples: Mississippi (dominated by white Republicans) just passed an “unborn child protection” bill. They already violently attacked the one remaining abortion provider in Jackson. Mississippi and Arkansas tie for the most poverty and the least services provided to their citizens.

            The Republican leadership refuses to consider a Supreme Court nominee thereby violating the Constitution willingly. Mr. Cruz, Mr. Rubio and Mr. Trump scream obscene ideas at each other and try to be the “most right-wing candidate.” Trump does not know who David Duke is, nor has he ever heard of the KKK.

            So-called “Christian conservatives” continue to vote for Republicans who do not have their interests at heart and just use “religion” as a go-to vote getter.

  A Democratic friend of mine said, “If Trump gets elected president, I’m moving to Mexico.” Not all of us can move and “Love It or Leave It” died in the ‘60s. Liberal and progressive Democrats are true patriots who want a better life for everybody; not just the .05 percent of gluttonous and greedy Republicans.

  I voted early for Bernie and I will vote for Hillary if she is the Democratic candidate. Never a Republican! I am not insane or self-destructive. I believe in democracy and equality and hope those like me defeat the Republican right-wingers!

Trella Laughlin