When do we call it treason?



In recent days, it has become clear that Mike Flynn (Trump’s National Security Council advisor) treasonously colluded with the Russian FSB (intelligence apparatus) to steal the U.S. elections and bring about a Trump victory. Their payoff was the removal of U.S. sanctions that were placed on Russia for the invasion of Ukraine.

The reason is oil. Russia has a lot of it and no way to transport to Europe; so in a deal made with Rex Tillerson (now Secretary of State) they invaded Ukraine to steal their seaports and be able to transport their oil without having to pay taxes for the transit across their country.  

President Obama’s administration imposed monetary sanctions on Russia for their violent overthrow of the Ukrainian government. Vladamir Putin blamed Hillary Clinton for these sanctions and for her bold statement that he, Putin, was stealing the election in Russia. Putin certainly didn’t want to deal with her as President. So this was a win/win/win for Russia. Install a puppet president, have the sanctions removed, and keep their hold on Ukraine’s seaports.

I fear that this will be swept under the rug since Jeff Sessions is in charge of our investigative branch of the judiciary. After all, it might come out that he had his hands in the affair up to his elbows.

Sheri Hanson