Wheels, cogs, Vespas, wagons, floats – art from the heart



Thanks to all who came out for this year’s Artrageous Parade with special thanks to the CAPC, who understood the importance of carrying on this 30-year tradition, to Events Director Andy Green, and to Nancy Paddock who was essential in making all the wheels and cogs connect.

The parade would not have happened without the generosity of Joyce and Eric Knowles (who supplied a large chunk of the prize money), Britt and Connie Evans, Jim Nelson and Mr. Anonymous donor.

Thanks also to DeVito’s, Ermilio’s, Local Flavor, Aquarius Taqueria, Brews, Sparky’s, Sweet and Savory, Basin Park Balcony Restaurant, The Sky Bar in the Crescent Hotel, Oscar’s, Myrtie Mae’s and Nibbles for supplying gift certificates that were awarded with the prize money.

John Rankine