What’s next?



Paul Ryan is pleased as punch that he finally got to destroy Medicaid. This has been his goal ever since he turned 18 and was no longer eligible for this federal benefit (his father died when he was young). Paul was so pleased with himself that after high fives all around, he threw a beer party for his friends (just like in his college frat house.)

Tom Price tells us that despite stripping almost one trillion dollars from Medicaid, no one will lose their health care coverage. Now if you believe that, I own a bridge in Manhattan I would like to sell you!

Most Republicon Congressmen didn’t even read the bill and were surprised by its contents. Steve Womack voted “Yes” to end our healthcare even after his staff continually stated that he would not vote before the CBO financially scored the bill. He lied; the CBO won’t have answers for another two weeks. Then we’ll know how many people will lose insurance and how much more it will cost with the embedded $600 billion tax break for the rich.

The AHCA will penalize women. Once again, women will pay higher premiums; contraception will not be covered, but of course, Viagra will be. Should a woman be raped and conceive, this will be considered a “pre-existing condition” and claims will be denied. Should she have maternity insurance and decide to have a child, the surcharge for this is $17,000. Of course, having any disease is going to cost you. Diabetes? $6,000. Arthritis? $26,000. No worries for Congress though, the Republicons made sure that neither they nor their staff will be affected by these draconian slashes to our health insurance coverage.

Yes, there is that part of the AHCA that allows $8 billion for all of us in the “high risk pool.” The millions of Americans who will be lumped into that pool will each see average insurance savings of $1.34 per year. Warren Buffet says the Republicon’s bill is a huge tax cut for people like him.

So, hang onto your hats (or your private body parts!) We haven’t even gotten to Trump’s tax plan yet!

Sheri Hanson