What to do?


It’s 5:30 a.m., and I can’t get back to sleep. We’re 3 weeks into a US presidency for which I’m stuck. My fellow citizens, including dear friends and family, have legitimately chosen Donald Trump to serve as president for at least the next 3 years and 49 weeks. I didn’t choose him, but that’s beside the point… he’s now my president. How do I handle it so that I can get back to sleep?

My president is just like people I know. He reacts immediately to whatever he’s feeling, and let’s everyone around him know how he feels… loudly. The good news is that you are clearly aware of what he’s feeling. The bad news is those feelings appear to have no filters, no limits, no nod to tradition or precedent or rules, and no apparent regard for other human beings and their feelings. And, as he has said, and believes to his core… we’re in terrible shape, the country and the world is a complete disaster, and only he can fix it.

Unfortunately, the impact is much more than just one guy spouting off. My president has reportedly 87 million plus followers on social media, has his finger on the nuclear button, and, by office, is the leader of the free world and the face of America. I can’t just write it off and say that it’s just ole Donald… you know how he is… and go on with my life.

Let me be clear. I’m not a wild eyed, tree hugging, free money for everyone, rules are king, big government knows what’s best for us, free love, free choice, don’t lock her up, far left liberal… although parts of those things I do believe. I’m a white, straight, Christian, married, father, well educated, regular voting Republican male. I care deeply about my community, state and country, and fervently believe in the principles that have made America the wonder of the world… and, we’re Great (not perfect) right now!  

Yet, Donald Trump is my president. What to do?

For me, it’s the following: Listen and get involved! Something is not right in others’ eyes to have allowed Donald to be elected. His electors are among my dear friends and family… they are not idiots. I confess that I have never written a letter to my elected officials, attended a town hall meeting, nor served at the grass roots level to impact change. I sat here, safe and comfortable, and helped allow Donald to become my president.

Please join me in your own world… get involved… and respectfully listen for understanding. Then, jump up off the sofa and speak up! Or, in 3 years and 49 weeks we will have Donald, Act 2. And, I need my rest!

Greg Moore

Holiday Island