What on Earth happened


Saudis lead fossil states to block 1.5°C report and declare island states a disposable global zone

Last week, at the conclusion of the Bonn June 17 – 27, United Nations Climate Change Conference, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1.5°C landmark report issued last October was excluded. Its findings were kept out of the UN Conference!

Saudi Arabia, with support from the United States, Russia, and Kuwait, the top oil-producing allies, blocked the science of climate change, denying the 2030 tipping point. 2030 may seem far off but its right around the corner. We need to act now.

One of so-called disposable zones where people live near sea level is the U.S. Marshall Islands, a group of 24 inhabited atolls with varying populations from 100 to 28,000 Americans.

The weather story does not hold water

“Unprecedented” floods in the Arkansas River breeched the levees and caused estimated damages of $350 million. The river started to rise and kept rising, but the culprit is the US Army Corps of Engineers for flooding Arkansas?

Maps show Arkansas is not an island. Water flows downstream, it has to go someplace. Don’t blame the Corps! This was predictable and preventable by Arkansas counties.

The 2019 U.S. floods are not only about Arkansas but the Midwest states, the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. With warmer oceans and higher thermal energy, the water cycle starts with increased evaporation. Larger volumes of vapor drive the water cycle ending with massive floods inland. As the planet heats up, 2020 floods will increase in volume. Our food chain is at high risk. With no harvest in 2019, flooded silos, and no crops in 2020, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is instead concerned about the weather!

In November 2018, 13 federal agencies presented to the U.S. Congress the 4th National Climate Assessment, more than 1,000 pages with detailed climate threats. The four-year study is a treasure of climate information. Why did our government ignore these warnings?

Solution illusion

If you think there is a way out of the climate emergency, you will accept “the threat of extinction is real.” On the other hand, if you don’t see “an affordable solution” you will ignore the evidence and bury the science. This is known as the solution avoidance, a deadly wait-and-see what happens strategy.

When Mike Pence was asked, “Do you think human-induced climate emergency is a threat to the United States?” Pence got upset and mumbled, “but what we won’t do is hamstringing energy in this country, raising the cost of utility rates …while other nations like China and India absolutely do nothing.” The question was about replacing the Clean Power Plan with a permit to increase carbon emissions.

Protecting fossil fuels at all cost is suicidal. The unavoidable cost of floods, droughts, heat waves, and all other devastating climate events will be higher the longer we wait. There are no winners here. Only losers, no one will be spared. This is a planetary crisis. The smart strategy is for all nations to work together. Precisely what the United Nations has been trying to do.

Ignoring Ecology and Ethics

Treating people as inferior disposable beings, the soil like dirt, and oceans as landfills has to stop. The water cycle and other life systems, evolving for millions and millions of years trump profits from oil wars. No disposal zones allowed. Secret deals and corruption in the White House, and ignoring long lasting friendships and relationships have long lasting consequences. An ethical code of conduct creates a positive culture of change: Respect others, Tell the truth, Be fair, Try new ideas, Ask why, Keep your promises, and Do your share.

The time to act is now

The past is gone, and tomorrow may never come. All we have is now. Here is something we can do: The “Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act” will drive down America’s carbon pollution and bring climate change under control, while unleashing American technology innovation and ingenuity. Please visit EnergyInnovationAct.org

Dr. Luis Contreras


  1. Why is the U.S. mentioned as one of the new OPEC + members?

    According to a new report, Vladimir Putin made a great deal, and the U.S. is being played by the Saudi’s

    “On the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan, Saudi Arabia was successful in getting the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to extend oil production cuts until 2020.

    But for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the price he paid may have been to sacrifice control of the oil cartel to Russia.

    The Saudi economy needs oil prices around $80 a barrel to balance its budget. However, Russia only needs oil at $42 a barrel. This means Russia’s rainy day fund has accumulated to $100bn from past production agreements.”


  2. “Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, and the United States are rogue nations,” declared Christian Aid Global Climate Lead Mohamed Adow. “These four major fossil fuel producers are working together against the interests of the rest of the world and jeopardizing our chances of a safe climate. These countries hardly agree on anything other than undermining climate science,” but “because their short-term economic interests relying on fossil fuels are at risk, this is their last kick back at the rest of the world by suppressing scientific warnings.”


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