What I learned



What did I learn from Congressman Steve Womack at Holiday Island Elks Club? I learned that he does not read the bills that are before the Congress or even the ones that he is voting on. He said that they are too long and he doesn’t understand them anyway.

I learned that he equates watching Sean Hannity and Trump’s tweets with watching Rachel Maddow. I learned that he sees my Social Security, my Medicare and your food stamps, welfare and all safety nets as unnecessary burdens on taxpayers.

I learned that he helped a Canadian soccer player get fast tracked by immigration while thousands of refugees are bogged down by racist agency heads at our southern border. I learned that he does not consider his constituents who disagree with him as his constituents. I learned that he is very good at killing time.

Well, actually I knew that, I have been to nearly every Town Hall that he has had. He answered two, maybe three questions.

Mark Eastburn


  1. Good grief! Womack needs to be voted out. He’s incompetent. Doesn’t read nor understand the bills he votes on? That means that he is told how to vote by his party or lobbyists. I’ve run into this same incompetence in Kansas, too. Wow. I’m afraid that the Republican party now finds its candidates at the bottom of some barrel.

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