Water line repairs means less loss


Holiday Island District Manager Lawrence Blood said at Monday’s meeting that two water main leak repairs took place on Danube, and one on Hillcrest. Over the last seven months Blood indicated water loss has dropped from 83 percent in January to 66 percent in July.

“I’m cautiously optimistic about the water loss,” Blood said.

Wastewater treatment plant water usage was down to 250,000 gallons per month compared to 600,000 gpm in 2018 and 400,000 gpm in 2019.

Blood indicated on a map where projects were completed and those in queue for upgrades, saying that three PRV replacements are scheduled for September. Chair Ken Brown said he liked the downward trend in the water loss rates. “It’s way too early to spike the football,” commissioner Dan Kees said, saying he believes it has been essential that staff stick to the plan. Kees said HISID water loss has never been as low as 66 percent.

Salt tabled

Commissioners approved a bid for construction of a 40 ft. x 60 ft. building pad for a salt and sand storage building. Heavy Constructors of Arkansas bid $73,350, and R&R Dirtwork bid $75,000.

Due to both of the bids coming in twice what was budgeted, Blood could not recommend either. “It did double in price,” he said. Due to the lack of space in the road department facility, Blood and staff said location for the pad was selected on the adjacent residential lot.

The HI Planning Commission approved the location with the restriction that it be 80 to 100 ft. back from the road behind a tree line. Discussion developed about the location including increased fill dirt, retaining walls, neighbors, and driveways.

Ultimately commissioner David Orr said he would vote No on the project during Covid, and since there are no grant funds pending there is no need to rush. Kees agreed and said he does not want to split funding between years and does not want to scale back the project.

Commissioner Bill Noonan said it is an important project but would like to look at it next year. “Redoing the project and keeping in mind that we still may have to break it up into a couple of years.”

Chair Ken Brown said he owned a property near where the project was to be constructed said that the smell made it difficult to sell the property. Kees stated he recommended a special meeting site visit for the board before moving forward.

Noonan objected saying, “But to micromanage this is beyond us—we shouldn’t be doing that.” The project was tabled.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 21 at 9 a.m.