Watch us grow



In 2017 the Eureka Springs Community Center received a grant for $25,000 from the AT&T Foundation to create a community greenhouse and education center. While plans were being made for construction, the Community Center board initiated some educational aspects specified in the grant by working with the University of Arkansas Agricultural Division, the Cooperative Extension Center, the Southern Sustainable Agricultural Research Education group, and the local high school in hosting workshops and seminars on vegetable production and professional growing.

These events took place at the Community Center and were very well attended and a big hit among Eureka’s gardening enthusiasts. Now, the actual greenhouse has been completed and its operation and management will be handled through another collaboration.

The Community Center has joined forces with the Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation commission to operate and manage the greenhouse. Parks will use 50% of the space for cultivating plants for public spaces, and will partner with local organizations for use of the other 50%.  In exchange, they will manage the greenhouse, produce educational programs, and host plant sales to help fund the greenhouse expenses.

The educational classes will continue as interest grows in specific areas of horticulture.

Jean Elderwind


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