War, pipelines, and climate withdrawal


If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.

Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. The Mad Hatter

Some people say life is good, looking forward to the long weekend and enjoying friends and family. Buying fireworks and a happy 4th of July is all that matters.

Are we at war? Has the climate changed? Nonsense. Have you been reading the news on Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria or Qatar? Do you have friends in Miami worried about rising tides?

Congressman French Hill sent an email saying, “Following the president’s move to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Accord, I wanted to give you an opportunity to express your thoughts on this decision through a quick survey.” Expressing my thoughts after the fact seemed like nonsense. Withdrawal is a done deal, unless it isn’t.

  1. Do you support the president’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Accord, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

No, I don’t. Why give China the leadership role on the most vital challenge in history? Rising temperatures and extreme weather are here. Last Tuesday, the Southwest heat wave reached 125°. American Eagle canceled 43 flights as the heat exceeded aircraft operating limits for takeoff. NASA studies prove Earth’s temperature depends on the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide. To avoid a runaway increase in temperature, we must stop burning fuels and comply with the Climate Agreement.

  1. Do you think withdrawal from the accord will do more to create U.S. jobs in the energy sector?

No, I don’t. Creating jobs is an empty promise for political ratings. People don’t want to work two temporary, seasonal, dead-end jobs just to pay their bills. Case in point. Diamond promised 15 permanent jobs for a $900 million line, with 5 jobs for Arkansans. Welspun Little Rock pipe mills offer jobs for temporary employees to avoid paying workers compensation insurance. Welspun has a history of serious, willful OSHA violations within the past five years. Frederick Bogar was killed by 10,000 lb. pipes, and Kenneth Rainey lost a leg after 3 days on the job. Their families were out of luck. No, we don’t want more Welspun jobs.

  1. Do you think withdrawal from the accord will help U.S. energy production and our goal of energy independence?

NO, I don’t. Fracking for oil and gas is not about oil or gas production. Frackers have a secret: well depletion. Buy a family size bag of chips and beer, and invite your friends. At first the chips are easy to grab. Then, handfuls are taken when no one is watching, a few broken chips remain at the bottom of the bag, and the good chips are gone. Shale crude depletion increases the cost and decreases the yield. At $40 a barrel, game over. Energy Independence is a scam masquerading as an energy strategy dating back to Richard Nixon. With a glut of oil and gas, why would we choose to frack our land at ten times the cost?

  1. Do you think withdrawal from the accord will help international efforts to reduce carbon emissions?

No, I don’t. Frankly, this is a dumb question. The U.S. is telling the world: the climate emergency is a hoax, we have weapons for sale!

  1. Do you think withdrawal from the accord will help the U.S. economy?

No, I don’t. Promoting offshore drilling, approving DAPL and Keystone XL pipelines, defunding environmental protection, attacking science, and using health care funds to pay for weapons, is a War strategy.

Down with the Bloody Red Queen!

The Mad Hatter did not fool around. All wars are an immense source of greenhouse gas emissions. We have been at war in Afghanistan for 16 years and counting. Bullying world leaders and promoting violence is insane. We are facing a man-made planetary crisis. Calm, peace, respect, compassion, and caring are required behaviors. There is hope if we act: Energy Freedom from burning fuels, using free sunlight and wind energy solutions, and embracing 21st Century high-growth green economies, are the smart choices.

Dr. Luis Contreras


  1. If I had a world of my own, everything would be peaceful.

    We have great power, we don’t need to listen to the Bloody Red Queen! We decide every day what we do.

    Respect is earned. From 45 down to the police on the street, all are public servants, they work for us, and we can fire them anytime.

    What if Boozman, Womack, Cotton, and all others were asking our opinion and doing what we want? How do they dare ignore the people and pretend they work for 45 or lobbyists?

    • Thank you, Susan. There was a teleconference today with Rep. Hill – I was hoping to ask a question but his staff knows who I am and there were other callers. Hill has old, incorrect information about natural gas, fracking, says China and India are not doing their part, and the US is the leading country in clean energy.

      Natural gas was seen at one point as better than coal … but methane emissions are much worse than CO2

      I will follow up next week to clarify what solar and wind power can do and the myths of fracking. Thank you

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