Wake up to exercise



In this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, concerns for ours, our families, and communities’ health, and citizens sequestering themselves at home to remain safe, there’s a bright spot in our community. And, in dealing with the many stresses of living with a pandemic for an extended period of time, I’m game for most anything that promises to help!

The Eureka Springs Community Center Fitness areas, under conscientious management, have gone to great lengths to provide a clean and healthy environment in which to exercise. Maintaining a healthy indoor environment during a pandemic is no small task for the center staff, but required to keep members safe from Covid-19 exposure.

Being a life-long exerciser and knowing the health benefits of regular physical activity, when unable to get to the fitness center, I miss it.

If I were to recommend an antidote to the stresses of living during a pandemic, exercising regularly would be included. I’m grateful for the Eureka Community Center!

Jean Reed