Voting season is upon us



In the race for governor of Arkansas we have a choice to elect a person 

  • with strong moral and ethical standards 
  • who was not born into a privileged and wealthy family 
  • who is not drenched in the ugliness of politics 
  • who understands the struggles of the average Joe and JoAnn 
  • who worked hard for the education he has, an education that prepared him to be a problem solver for communities struggling to survive 
  • who believes a first-class education should be available for every child, regardless of income levels 
  • who values educators 
  • who believes women have the right to control their own bodies 

Dr. Chris Jones checks all the boxes for a person capable and eager to move Arkansas forward in health, education, and commercial growth that leads to good jobs and livable wages. Don’t let this opportunity pass us by, go to the polls in November and vote for Chris Jones.

Pat Gunn