Voting matters



Steve Womack comes quietly, speaks at ESHS. At his town halls he refuses to take questions from people of color. When he is asked hard questions he tends to become arrogant and speaks in a condescending tone.

On importance of education – Arkansas is 42nd.

On hyper partisanship – look it up, you’ll see his photo. He admonishes bad behavior but refuses to condemn the bad behavior of his party or their supporters. This is the man who dropped his gavel at the Republican Convention to not allow debate on Trump’s Russia platform even though that is what a majority of delegates voted for.

On legislation – primary sponsor of one bill that passed was HR 886, a US Marshals commemorative coin act.

Enthusiastic about the second amendment, (it’s not the guns) he is co-sponsoring an amendment, H.J. Res. 61, to allow Congress to prohibit the desecration of the flag (first amendment). The flag is only desecrated when flown in the name of injustice or inequality as it often does.

Financial responsibility – votes for a tax bill that adds trillions to the national debt.

His goals – “I want to do what I can to make a difference.” Promised to vote against any global warming legislation or meaningful gun control, should be of great solace to his young audience.

Winston Churchill, “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Don’t be an average voter. Register, pay attention, vote.

Mark Eastburn