Voting changes things



For many years Northwest Arkansas has suffered the blight of factory farming. These disgusting places stink to high heaven because they pack large numbers of chickens into small cages with no room to move about. I have always considered this practice to be extremely immoral.

No, Donald Trump is doing the exact same thing with innocent human beings. This vulgar orange monster is putting babies in cages and his simple-minded so called religious base could not care less.

They do not mind that he screams out the most vulgar words ever uttered or that he has been caught on tape bragging about the many women he has sexually assaulted. Clearly, violence and vulgarity has great appeal to his white trash base.

President Clinton was impeached for telling one lie. Trump has told well over 10,000 lies since taking office but his base does not care.

A lady who is a member of the Methodist Church in a nearby town told me to look up the word “dominionist.” It will help us understand this strange mix of religion and extreme right wing politics.

Bill Taylor

Nocona, Texas

(Eds. note: Dominionism is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians based on their personal understandings of biblical law.)