Vote No on Entertainment District



It is important that citizens of Eureka Springs vote For repeal of Ordinance 2292 and Against Ordinance 2297.

Voting For repeal of Ord. 2292 cancels the ordinance which would have given us an Entertainment District this summer and fall.

A vote Against Ord. 2297 ends our having an Entertainment District.

An Entertainment District would allow drinking on the streets from the Pied Piper up Spring Street to German Alley (past the Palace), down Main Street and all the way up Main Street back to the Pied Piper, with small signs defining the boundaries of the District, two policeman patrolling it, and wristbands easily passed from person-to-person.

Eureka doesn’t need this – we have plenty of bars, business has been good even with Covid. We don’t need drunk people in our neighborhoods and public drinking in the heart of our city with families visiting.

Vote For repeal of Ord. 2292 and Against Ord. 2297 and keep our city safe and a great place for everyone to visit.

Karen Lindblad