Vote, like you mean it



Was America greater when people could own other people, blacks couldn’t vote, women couldn’t vote, gays had to hide? Should we return to the time of corporate monopolies, separate but equal, sexual inequality, no wind or solar farms, and leaded gasoline?

Let’s not, let’s keep working toward greatness. We have survived national and local administrations that have tried to slow or even reverse our progress as a nation, and I hope we could survive it again.

Let’s not find out, let’s send a message (an overwhelming message) to the world that we are part of it, a very important part, a part of the world that has been incredibly fortunate and a part of the world that takes in those who need to be taken in, a part of the world that leads by example. The best way to end the mean spirited, nationalistic fear and hate mongers is to show them decisively with our votes that this is wrong, un-American and un-Christian.

If you care about the planet, if you care about the people on the planet, if you want to have even a chance at slowing man’s role in climate change, if you care about equal pay for equal work, if you think the upcoming elections are important, please vote for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic candidates in your local elections. This is no time to waste your vote. You can verify your voter registration in any county on-line at or call (870) 423-2022 for Carroll County.

Mark Eastburn

Registered Independent


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