Virtually everything


Eureka Springs School Board held its planned meeting Monday night where board members convened through a Zoom virtual platform. All members attended, and the first-time attempt at a virtual meeting caused few problems during the routine agenda.

The meeting began a few minutes late, as everyone worked through the procedures. Board President Chris McClung remarked on the “extraordinary” circumstances. He was voted to another term as president, and Al Larson will remain as vice-president and Gayla Wolfinbarger as secretary. The board will continue to meet at 5:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month.

On the agenda:

  • The board approved a new electronic payment policy, allowing the district to use an electronic deposit instead of a check to reimburse teachers for expenses. The board also approved an increase of $500 to the base rate of licensed staff. Supt. Bryan Pruitt explained that the increase amounts to a little more than one percent. Classified staff received a similar percentage raise, based on a $340 increase at the bottom of the pay scale.
  • The board also adopted policy changes recommended by the School Board Association, including additional board training on school safety and bullying. That training must be completed by December, although most of the present board have already met this requirement.
  • Pruitt said the district still would like to hold a graduation ceremony, but current restrictions on public gatherings would prevent that. Pruitt said the district will monitor the situation, and the school may even consider a drive-through graduation.
  • Pruitt said he met with the school’s architect last week to continue plans for Phase II of the remodeling project at the Elementary School. The expected cost came in slightly below the anticipated budget of $800,000. Plans must be submitted to the state, and then the local board will make a final decision.
  • Wolfinbarger asked about the lunch delivery program currently in place, and Pruitt said that will continue three days a week through May 22. He said the school may receive some stimulus funds because of the coronavirus situation, and those funds would go to laptops, wi-fi hotspots, and other technology.
  • The meeting this week did not require an executive session for personnel matters. If the board convenes by Zoom again in May, they will have a separate Zoom log-in for the executive session. The school had a terminal in the board room, where meetings are usually held, to allow the public to participate.