Tweaking is the name of the game


Parks Commissioners held a set of special meetings last Tuesday, Sept. 22 to discuss first and second quarter financials with Rusty Windle of Windle & Associates, as well as approve them.

Mr. Windle explained to commissioners that he had been taking the bookkeeping information that Parks inputs into Quikbooks and reclassifying line items. He said the goal was to allow for Parks to be able to pull any report from their system without needing to go through W&A and “work myself out of a job.”

Commissioner Kevin Reuhle noted that Parks was once able to generate reports as needed and asked when that became lost. Windle said it was lost with the last in-house bookkeeper and that he was now working with the Parks clerk, Nicky Boyette.

An example Mr. Windle offered was that, in the past, employee expenses could have been taken out of the Leatherwood sales tax due to the work having been done there, but had not. He said that $30,000 was taken out annually to reimburse the general fund but that the actual amount that could be allocated to the Leatherwood Tax would be closer to $56,000.

Reuhle then said that employees would need to know how to break down time spent at the various parks. Executive Director Justin Huss, who arrived 20 minutes after the meeting started, said that time sheets have been altered and space given for hourly division of work was provided as of the previous Wednesday.

Windle said that he was still working to “tweak” the numbers and that the need for those further tweaks was why the 1/8 cent sales tax was not half of the ¼ cent sales tax in the first quarter financials.

Windle said he would be done by the end of the next week, and commissioners agreed they would hold another special meeting to review and approve what will become the third time for revised first quarter financials and second time for revised second quarter financials, citing that if the first quarter was not finished, the second quarter financials would not be accurate.

Next meeting is Oct. 20, 6 p.m. at the Aud.