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The Ozark National Rain Forest is no place for a leaky roof. The house I have lived in for 40 years on Vaughn Street has President William McKinley’s name on the abstract. Like me, it’s old, and beginning to show it.

Thanks to Eureka’s soulful community, this house will still be standing and providing residence for future generations of Eurekans. The replacement of its rotting roof and dangerous porches was made possible by Eureka’s generous community of neighbors and Suzie and Dan Bell, who employed the organizational ability of ECHO to assemble a volunteer crew of homewreckers, carpenters and apprentices. Anonymous donations from Eureka’s First United Methodist Church were complemented by the professional generosity of Quality Assurance Roofing and its capable crew.

Pictured are Quality Assurance roofers, (l.–r.) Douglas Ramirez, Wilmer Rodriguez and Eric Rosaler. To ask Quality Assurance Roofing about your roof’s maintenance, call this crew’s chief, Jesse Agresto at (479) 981-2189.

In this town where even misfits are finding it harder and harder to fit in, housing for mere residents and families is scarce and getting scarcer. Thanks to all who gave this gift for future Eureka Springs residents.

Special thanks to The Limestone Cowboy and Miss Kitty for a job well done!

Vernon Tucker