Tips from Jillian Guthrie for beating the winter blues

  • There is a tendency for self-care to fall away when you feel bad. When it takes more energy do things, it is harder to eat well. Make sure you get enough activity, company and exercise. You want to intentionally feed your body healthy foods and take your vitamins.
  • Watching comedies, something funny, can cause a chemical shift. If you do that often enough, your mood can feel lighter.
  • Get on your phone with your friends and family, especially if you haven’t been out in a while and are feeling isolated.
  • Have a project so you have an objective in mind that you are moving towards. If you start that before winter sets in, you are already in motion and don’t have to work so hard to get it started.
  • Make a gratitude list in the morning and evening. It doesn’t take much to feel grateful for things like a warm house or a cat that likes to come visit you. Change it up every day. That can really change your attitude.
  • Exercise. This is really important. Muscles are more limber. You’re breathing better. You’re getting more oxygen to the brain, blood flow is better, and pain is reduced. If you have something like fibromyalgia or arthritis, it can be tempting to slow to a stop. But movement is indicated even if you don’t like it because it helps so much.
  • Check your thought patterns. It is a great idea to feed your brain in such a way so it might easier to have constructive thought patterns. Get an audio book like The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle or one of Pema Chodron books or tapes. Play tapes out loud while you exercise or do household chores. You’re feeding your brain good thought patterns. The law of attraction information is useful in feeding your brain in a way that it may get in a better place. When you are feeling negative on a regular basis, it is easy to go there. The opposite is also true.
  • Getting out in fresh air can be amazing, especially when the sun is out. It helps you get perspective. You can see other people living their lives and having things to do. The world gets bigger. It is easy when you are isolated for the world to get very small and for beliefs about your world to be very limited. It is good to get out and about. Remember everything is temporary. Whatever you are feeling will pass.

Guthrie can be reached at (479) 244-5181.