Tiny ticks can cause great strife



Imagine a world where you have a seemingly invisible sickness, where no one can diagnose what’s wrong with you, they say “you don’t look sick,” but you’ve been chronically sick for years. 

Imagine a world where the only answers you get are from other people that are sick and they can “diagnose” you because they have it, too. Imagine all the doctors you’ve spent time and money going to, then they say they can’t find anything wrong and criticize you for seeing holistic doctors.

Imagine being chronically sick for years now and along the way you’ve had to become your own doctor because no one can cure you. Imagine you have something where you become bedridden, disabled and depressed and spend every waking hour trying to be well again. Working 8 hours a day with your diet, nutrition, and trying to be healthy like you once were.

Now imagine that this person is you or someone you hold dear. It was just a tick, “we get tick bites all the time here.” Well it only takes one, one tick bite can destroy your health forever. It doesn’t even have to be Lyme disease, there are so many varieties out there, there is no one size fits all treatment, it’s like it blueprints itself for your body type, it’s a very complicated illness, no wonder the CDC doesn’t want to touch it. 

This is my 4th year, the first two years I spent all my time and money looking for answers, the third year I used holistic medicine and a Rife machine, my 4th year has been antibiotics from my Lyme literate medical doctor, and I’m just now feeling well enough to understand and fight the monster inside me.

Dear Lyme disease, I hate you, you stole my life and gave me something I didn’t want and I can’t give it back!

Adee Leighton