Time’s up


An open letter to Senators Boozman, Cotton and Congressman Womack,

Are you a Russian or an American? You cannot serve two masters and must choose; Vladimir Putin and his acolyte or the U.S. Constitution?

Kevin McCarthy famously noted that he knew two Republicans who were paid by Putin – Congressman Rohrabacher and Donald Trump. Should he have added you three to the list of those paid with laundered money pilfered by Russians from other countries’ treasuries?

Your silence during the impeachment hearings has been deafening and noted by your constituents. You may think that we are all brainwashed by Fox and Sinclair, but no matter how many times you say our eyes are lying, we can still see the truth.

Donald Trump has betrayed his oath of office and committed treason. He bribed a foreign leader with our money for his personal gain, covered up the truth, and consistently obstructed Congress from finding out the details of his crimes. He has betrayed us and jeopardized our national security while plotting to steal the next election.

You can pretend that all is well; but history will not judge any of you kindly. It’s time to honor your oath of office and defend our Constitution and country. You must impeach and remove Donald Trump.

Sheri Hanson