Times they are a changin’



Billions of bucks being spent toward a Mars trip. Some bodies are spaced out. The human race can’t decide who should go to what toilet. Why not love Jesus and go on to heaven?

Driverless cars. I was a 25 year-old driver’s license examiner and it’s true traffic would be safer if some drivers were in the trunk.

The lawyers will all be able to buy new cars with the fees from driverless car crash litigation.

It is against the law to kill any snake in Arkansas and to catch rainwater in Oregon. By 2020 the humane society, because of global warming, will force all dogs and cats to be shaved bald.

By 2024, bowlegged and knock-kneed wimps being bullied will force a vote for medical heroin so they can cope.

Richard B. Waxenfelter
