Three stolen cars associated with meth


Cpl. Aaron Ingle of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department made his regular presentation regarding law enforcement activity in the Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District for the month of May. Residents at the Monday meeting asked if his report covered all of Carroll County and Ingle reminded them that his statistics are specific to Holiday Island only. 

There were 183 calls for police service, including 22 traffic stops, two breaking and entering calls, five domestic battery calls, three stolen vehicles, three accidents, two thefts, two felony arrests, four misdemeanor arrests, and several scam callers fishing for social security numbers. Ingle said that generally all stolen vehicle cases are tied in some way to methamphetamines. 

Residents asked about using firearms in the district, and Ingle replied that the law allows for the use of firearms in the county, but warned that if they are discharged too close to a home it can become a police matter.