We’re glad that Ringling Bros. circuses no longer allow elephants to be transformed from wild jungle animals into entertainers. The list of abuses is long and hard to read, and it’s high time humans stop using any and every sentient being to make money.
But wait! We found a happy elephant story and are starting to feel better already.
Me-Bai was taken from her mother when she was just a calf, and sold to give tourists rides. She went through a brutal training where she was taught that humans are in charge, then forced to give rides all day every day.
She became too weak to work, so her owner sent her to an elephant nature park, where as luck would have it, caretakers found her mother and reunited the pair after their three-year separation.
This picture is going on the office refrigerator.
Photo credit: littlethings.com by way of trueactivist.