This Week’s Independent Thinkers


Did you know that female orca whales go through menopause? And then become the pod leaders?

It’s inevitable and sometimes terrifying that teenage girls and the women they are 35 or 40 years later are hotbeds of fluctuating hormones that cause them to be dismissed or avoided or laughed at.

Some people go so far as to insist menopause be treated, as though it needs curing.

And we only bring this up because hot flashes are mentioned frequently in casual conversations as reasons for slight unexpected insanity and downright thwacking to a woman’s body and her friends.

It was the grandmother whales that intrigued us. After that, it was the human grandmothers, the ones who know what foods and which words are necessary for a good life.

One of us in the office is hot flashing. The other turned 70 this year and if she had known how much fun that is she would’ve done it sooner.

And we both turned into grandmothers last week, one by blood, one by proxy. Yikes!

Picture from somebody’s wallpaper