This Week’s Independent Thinker


People who live in cities really can’t raise cattle or chickens. Neighbors would complain, and who has time to feed every morning and night and teach a rooster to ride an elevator?

Farmers add $1.5 trillion to our annual Gross Domestic Product, yet rural services are being slashed. Reliable, knowledgeable, contented farmworkers are being arrested and deported. We need farmers to do what they do best, grow crops and provide protein.

Farmers don’t have office hours or days off. They’re part meteorologist, part veterinarian, part land use planner and part astrologer.

We were thinking about our government being overtaken by billionaire swashbucklers that we neither voted nor asked for. “They” want government to be a business where workers are disposable but ownership is tax-free entitlement.  

We see farmers as the new students, the new hippies, that group of like-minded individuals who stopped a war in the 1960s by marching, protesting, canvassing, and registering new voters.

It can be done and has been done.

Also, if there’s no cotton, what will we wear?


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