This Week’s Independent Thinker


When we were busy growing up, we were taught to date, marry, and live together forevermore.

That was about as popular as the Vietnam War.

                Parents felt betrayed when we decided we wanted to live with a person before we got married. But it’s like taking a demo for a spin up the 24-mile Pig Trail. It’s nice to know what we’re about to commit to.

                Today, we encourage unmarried people to live together. That way, when something is bothersome, they can talk about it without getting all huffy and losing their credit rating. Or letting it fester.

                The cost of living is high – food, fuel and space are must haves for many people, and it’s possible to have it all when it’s shared.

Living together is tribal. Affordable. Practical.  

No one person should have to provide for those who want benefits and opinions without responsibilities.

                Chores are shared, not delegated, just like animals.

                Maybe The Human Race really is a race.