This Week’s Independent Thinker


We’re such suckers for brilliance that’s also precious.

Cincinnati cop James Givens was sitting in his patrol car last week when he heard a pecking at his door. Givens saw a goose, so naturally he tossed her some food. But she wouldn’t have it. Instead she quacked, walked away, then came back and started pecking again.

Givens decided to follow her.

The goose led Givens 100 yards away, near a creek, where one of her goslings was all tangled up in a Mother’s Day balloon string.

Givens thought if he approached the gosling, mama would come after him. But Officer Cecilia Charron showed up, walked over and freed the baby goose while its mother stood there and supervised. When the little one was untangled, the geese waddled to the water and swam away.

So… animals asking humans for help… we’re liking it.

Photo from youtube/givens