This Week’s Independent Thinker


The most read words in our paper last week were calling Loretta Young Loretta Lynn.

That comes under Brain Fade more than Independent Thinking, but since it was so widely read and posted on our dreaded competitor, Facebook, we’ll deal with it right up front.

Loretta Young was a child actress who went on to win an Academy Award for Best Actress in The Farmer’s Daughter and three Emmy Awards for the Loretta Young Show. She has relatives living right here in town.

Loretta Lynn has been singing country music for 60 years and has multiple gold albums. Country music stations often refused to play her music because it was about cheating husbands, birth control, double standards and the Vietnam War.

So, we didn’t mix these two strong, talented women up. Just their names. Loretta Lynn was born in Butcher Hollow and you can bet if that ever comes up again, we’ll call it Butler Hollow.

Happiest mistake we’ve ever made.