This Week’s Independent Thinker


William Blair Anderson is Police Chief of St. Cloud, Minn., a town where eight people were injured last Saturday in a knife attack that a huge conservative news organization tried to tie to lax U.S. immigration policy.

“The vast majority of all our citizens, no matter their ethnicity, are fine, hard-working people,” Anderson responded.

When Fox News baited Anderson about Minnesota leading the nation in people leaving the U.S. to join terrorists (which had nothing to do with the attack itself) and “concern” about 6000 Somali refugees in St. Cloud, Anderson said his department works well, meets regularly with, and listens closely to all in his community, no matter their color, religion or politics.

We admire Chief Anderson’s respectful nature and coolheaded response to what some obviously saw as a reason to get all scared and angry and violent.

Photo from City of St. Cloud