This Week’s Indepedent Thinker


Small (but not little) weekly newspapers have a reputation for printing recipes, obits, school achievements, and bowling scores. Sometimes there’s a meeting or two, and always, pictures of kids and dogs.

It’s what we do, and it reflects who we are. Newspapers also provide a good mop for spilled coffee.

In the November election, a man named George Santos, who occasionally goes by Anthony Zabrovsky and Anthony Devolder, won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. But he claimed a more colorful heritage, higher education, and greater mansion ownership than was true.  

A small (but not little) weekly, the North Shore Leader on Long Island, N.Y., alerted the public to this man’s love affair with alternative facts. Bigger papers finally picked it up.

Santos Zabrovsky Devolder Whatever said he was sorry, and was sworn into office, but he really doesn’t have much cred in the Truth Be Told department. Even the Leader, which loves conservative Republicans, refused to endorse him.

Thank you for supporting your local newspaper. Go ahead and spill coffee on us, we’re happy to help.

And Happiest Newest Year, everybody!