Thinking and thanking



I find it a daily grind to believe in American democracy when “The President” appoints proud homophobes to cabinet positions, Alabama Republicons refuse to stop supporting Judge Moore who molested teen-aged girls, and ICE continues to deport good citizens who are in this country without papers.

This morning I read in LGBTQ Nation Newsletter of the torture and murder of 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez by his mother and her boyfriend. They thought the boy was gay. His picture is of a smiling and sweet boy.

Here in Eureka, we believe LGBTQ people are safe, even respected, and that is somewhat true, but in other nations gay people are put to death, and in this country LGBTQ folks are still punished severely, especially trans people who are murdered because of who they are.

This Thanksgiving I will remember all the people who work for justice, who are compassionate and loving. 

Trella Laughlin