There is hope, bottoms up!


Peace full re-evolution is the only solution to the impending ending of all life on earth. We have to change this deranged society + the insanity of inhumanity. Compassion, unity + equality, are the needed reality. JD Be KiND (Jenna Dancing Bear Barone), 2018

JD is a climate warrior, a soulful poet, and a former Park Ranger. The urgency of her words, “the impending ending of all life on earth” made me think of where we are and the need for compassion, unity, and equality.” JD says, “it is the only solution.”

Noam Chomsky, an American treasure, speaks of hope for the future with a unique ability to explain how the world works, and the courage to speak up. Chomsky says, “If you assume there is no hope, there will be no hope. If you assume there is hope for freedom, and new ways to see and understand, then you can contribute to make a better world.” Chomsky says the Climate CRISIS and Nuclear War, the two top issues that really matter, are hiding in plain sight and rapidly getting worse. Fear and despair are the result of the chaos inside the White House and the cruel behavior of the GOP.

Trickle-down programs have never worked. Giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy and cutting back on services for the people struggling to survive is a scam, a deadly attack on Americans.

Bottom-up economy

If you step back from the mess and think about what is really happening, you may see 325 million people have other alternatives. Bottom-up economic development is the polar opposite of trickle-down, starting at the grassroots level with people, families, and communities. Main Street is the place where real problems and solutions live. Forget Wall Street, the stock market is not the economy.

How can people make a decent living without doing harm to the land or to the health and well-being of others? This is the benchmark for sustainable economic development with a thriving local economy. The Eureka Springs Farmers’ Market is a perfect example. It started in a parking lot with a few farmers. Now they have great local food and music, a place to meet and make new friends. The exchange of ideas and the opportunity to build strong relationships with the community creates resiliency.

Economic development requires investing in public education, caring for people with compassion, providing funds for local businesses, to create quality local jobs. Quality jobs provide safe working conditions and a salary sufficient to live working 40 hours per week.

Selling Arkansas is not economic development

Selling our people as cheap labor, our health, and environment, is irresponsible and immoral. Why promise quick environmental permits and give lavish economic incentives? ADEC offers income tax credits, childcare facilities, payroll rebates, the Governor’s Quick Action Closing Fund, and Community Development Block Grants, plus many others.

Why try to be like Detroit? Arkansas has unique treasures. Case in point: Costa Rica has clean rivers, forests and landscapes. They invest in public health, public education and tourism, and avoid conflicts with neighbor countries. PEACE trumps WAR. Their economy is built around ecotourism. Can’t wait to get back, they enjoy life and nature Pura Vida!

Shining lights

We have smart passionate candidates ready to face the GOP. Here are two of my favorites. A small business owner, a former McKinsey strategy consultant, an expert in public education is ready to be our next governor. A passionate advocate of the “Heart of the Ozarks” wants to promote Arkansas hospitality and tourism, protect rural health care, volunteer fire departments, with a sound worldview to challenge Bob Ballinger.

Bottoms Up!

Rudyard Kipling, wrote “If” in 1895; his words are alive today. He said, “If you can dream – and not make dreams your master; If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same,” Let’s dream together, let’s think of our children, let’s make a better world. Let’s drink together, Bottoms Up!

Dr. Luis Contreras


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