The way it was



I express my deepest gratitude to the lovely artists who helped us portray a living history of the Ozark highlands on November 10 with the Ozark Folk Festival. Andy Green and I were able to find about 20 demonstrators and vendors of crafts and folkways that would have been part of life from 1850 to 1900 here in the Ozarks.

I particularly thank Peggy Wolfinbarger and her family for demonstrating butter making with a Daisy churn, and Terry Gibson whose family has been making white oak baskets for over 100 years; they graced us with their presence.

We had fiber arts, musical instruments, shoemaking, blacksmithing, cast iron cookery, fermentation of vegetables, Native American healing with Kit Shepperd among other offerings.

There was also music and storytelling and participants enjoyed giving and receiving a living impression of this deep culture which has much to offer us in teaching us how to live a rich life with few resources.

Many thanks to Andy Green and the CAPC for funding this renewal of the Ozark Folk Festival in a way that offers an event particularly suited to families and children.

Glenda Moore