The times they are a’changin’



The National Weather Service just announced that this month of July was the hottest month in 120,000 years. I truly believe this letter is the most important and pertinent thing I have ever done.

I write this as a PhD level Biologist and a smart ass know it all.

This Global warming is not ever going away! Turning on the AC powered by a coal or gas fired electric supplier is not the solution. Global temperatures this year are already causing the collapse of agriculture! The forest fires in Canada will arrive here, probably this fall, if not sooner; and now the upper Midwest and far west of the USA are on fire.

Consider this – First, water supply: Get several cheap wading pools six feet to 25 feel wide, 4 to 6 feet deep, and put them in spots adjacent to your downspouts and store the water from your roof. These pools, which you will cover with plastic, are your H2O and firefighting supply.

Get serious, big, electric, or better yet, an inexpensive gas line water pump and some hoses. You’ll need this to fight fires in the future and to move your drinking water supply.

Buy whole grain rice and dried beans in 25 or 50 pound bags, as many as you can afford, bulk tea or coffee and cooking oil. Also canned fish, nuts and raisins.

Containers of iodine, hydrogen peroxide, Clorox, antibiotics, aspirin, bandages, eye drops. Masks and eye goggles.

I pray to God some of you will listen to this old fool. Within a year or two, agriculture will only be a memory because of extreme heat, etc. What we are about to experience with climate change will be the biggest thing to ever happen on earth.

Love to all!

John Leymour