The Reel News


Beaver Tailwaters

This week has been good on the tailwaters, nothing drastically has changed since the last report. The Corps is still generating starting around 10 a.m., and that increases the bite in most cases.

 Most of our fish were caught using light terminal tackle, and Pautzke Fire Bait and Fire eggs. When the sun moved higher, we would switch it over to 1/4 spoons and coat the spoons using Pautzke Fire Gel. Try letting the spoon sink a bit before retrieving, due to the water still being a little deep. Water levels are still holding. If we can get some overcast or rainy days, the bite should pick up! 

This week’s hot spot for trout has been above Spider Creek. Hit the deeper holes looking for slack water during generation. Walleye are up towards Holiday Island, but you need to look for them. Find the feeding fish, find the walleye.

Jigging live minnows off points and humps have done the trick. We will soon start fishing for some monster brown trout ‘tis the season. Hopefully I will have one to post, before the next report. Remember, for additional tips, visit my fishing Facebook page (Busch Mountain Fishing Guide Service). 

Hooked on Fishing Guide Service, Beaver Lake: 

Striped bass can be found throughout the entire lake at traditional spots – long points, offshore humps, islands, channel swings, end of mudflats and coves throughout entire lake, but also look for them chasing and pushing shad to the surface. Threadfin are moving out to deeper water for more consistent temperatures and moving out from deep in the rivers with colder mornings. It’s top water season – best casting combo for topwater is a medium heavy rod paired with a spinning reel spooled with 30 lb. braid tied with a bone white or chrome spooks or pencil poppers. Slow trolling smaller shad and minnows have been catching schoolie stripers with an occasional larger striper. For trophy stripers, bait them with the largest shad you can find and hang on. 

Traditional crappie spots are holding fish – docks, treetops, brush piles, stumps, mudflats and channel swings. Livescoping, spider rigging and dock shooting is consistently producing fish. You still have to locate fish with sonar. 5-20 ft. of water in stained water, 15-30 ft. in clear water. Trolling crankbaits in 7-15 ft. on main lake and secondary points are catching a few walleye. 

Bottom fishing and jugging are producing fish hanging around big mud flats with shad present. Cut bait was the most productive. 5-20 fow. Water level: 1117.66, water temperature: 44.7° – 57.1°

Busch Mountain Fishing Guide Service and Hooked on Fishing, LLC, like us on FB.


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