The Pursuit of Happiness


It looks like Donald Trump will lose the upcoming election, but in losing it’s possible that 57,000,000 or more Americans will vote for him. That’s a lot of unhappy losers and it makes you wonder where all that unhappiness will go after the election.

Can Clinton effectively govern a nation filled with so many disgruntled and querulous souls? Maybe not. Or, maybe. The always prescient and thoughtful George Will says that Trump is chemotherapy for a critically ill GOP. If it recovers from chemo-Trump, Will says, Congressional Republicans could seek out ways to find common ground with a Clinton administration. That would be good news for Clinton, and for all of us generally; God knows everyone is sick of their sour, brain infarct inertia.

God also knows the transition from Election Day to inauguration day will be a rough one. Trump is already whining about the rigged RNC, the rigged media, the rigged solar system, and of how the moon and the stars – “viciously, crookedly, bigley” – have aligned behind Clinton because NASA has rigged the Carl. G. Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico to make him look bad – “very very bad” – to visiting space aliens. It’s doubtful he’ll stop spoon-feeding self-pitying slop to his base after the election, or quit whining, ever. The bigger question is how long Trump’s supporters will keep the wah wah going.

I suppose the answer depends on how many of these voters habitually confuse good manners with political correctness, feel endlessly and personally persecuted, avoid facts like the plague, hate Libtards, and believe that a high wall solves all problems. For them, wah wahing is a way of life: they will cry and whine forever no matter who becomes President, whether it’s Trump, Clinton, Santa Claus, or Jesus.            

Still, among the 57+ are those who were born Red and will die Red, who are single issue true-believers, and those who have a well-founded loathing for Bill Clinton that transcends fears Trump will name Bill Cosby Secretary of Homeland Security. We can hope – but don’t really expect – that they’ll hold back the tears for at least a little while and give President Hillary Clinton a fair shake.


  1. Either the Hill/Kaine campaign is out of yard signs in the upper part of AR, or folks are like me: afraid if they/we put one out, we’ll either be rocked or the sign will be trashed. Nary a H/K sign visible. One Trump billboard plus a fair number of signs.

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