The Pursuit of Happiness


One thing Robert Mueller’s report conclusively proves is that the American people are exhausted by politicians who won’t do anything except investigate each other. It’s been going on non-stop for three decades now. Whitewater! Benghazi! E-mails! Russia!

Fine. Can we give it a rest?

The worst thing Democrats can do – for Democrats – is prolong the Mueller investigation with more investigations and hearings. The only logical and practical end for continuing to document that Donald Trump is a dangerous, certifiable moron – for the 1000th+ time – is his impeachment.

Impeachment ain’t gonna happen.

The Republican Party’s response to the Mueller Report amply demonstrates they accept a President who doesn’t care if a foreign county meddles in our elections. They accept having a President who tells the people who work for him to break the law. And Republicans are okay with a President who lies and is on the record for asking people to lie. Consequently, they have no reason to support Trump’s impeachment. And, without Republican support for impeachment, Tweety Bird remains in office.

Many thanks to the Republican Party for clarifying their standards and values.

More investigations by Democrats simply inspire Republicans to double down on those standards and values; they want Democrats to beat a dead horse instead of focusing on income inequality, genuine tax reform, and reforming our “free-market” health care system.

A compilation of daily opinion polls weighted for historical accuracy, sample size, and partisan lean show that between 36 and 42 percent of reliable voters still approve of President Trump and hope he remains in office beyond 2020. Those are pretty big numbers and, inanity aside, reveal levels of despair, cynicism, anger, and hopelessness among Trump supporters that Democrats must address unless they’re willing to lose the electoral college again.

Voters already know that Trump screws around with East European hookers, that immigrants and refugees take jobs few Americans are willing to do, and that Secretary of Education Betsy Devos is riddled by conflicts of interest. They don’t care.

Finally, the Mueller investigation cost taxpayers almost as much money as Trump’s golf weekends at Mar-a-Lago. We can’t have our cake and expect to eat it, too.