The Pursuit of Happiness


Why do people tell lies? The common reason is to gain an advantage of some kind. A used car salesman says a car was owned by a little old lady when it actually came out of Houston after the hurricane. So, you buy a waterlogged car. Another person claims to be a veteran to gain a half-price ticket at the movies… and on it goes.

Some liars are expressing dreams or wishes. Say a guy says he’s a college graduate when he’s not, or that he’s run the Boston Marathon when he hasn’t. What might be going on is that he wishes those things were true and, beneath the lies, is a person who feels miserable about who and what he really is.

Cognitive therapists will sometimes challenge recovering liars to make their wishes come true. They’ll recommend that the fake college graduate enroll in college and become a real college graduate, or to train and actually run in the Boston Marathon. Therapeutic success is defined as turning lies into reality. All it takes is work.

Republicans know that Donald Trump is a liar. Even the National Review, William Buckley’s secular Vatican for the canonization of Ronald Reagan, said this:

“The main problem with Trump is not that he’s just a liar, he’s an incorrigible blowhard. He exaggerates here, elides there, connects dotes that should not be connected, adds a few phony details to spice things up, omits facts that don’t serve his agenda, throws around gratuitous insults at real or perceived foes, and so on. And he does it all the time, [italics NR’s] even when he doesn’t need to.”

The evidence is overwhelming that today’s Republican Party has been replaced by the Donald Trump Party, a party whose base is the spiritual heirs of George Wallace and Joseph McCarthy, two infamous liars found to be liars in the court of history and by anyone possessing functional souls, backbones, and brains. Has the Republican Party become this because it seeks to gain an advantage? Or, does it dream of and want reality-based government instead of TV-government?

If it’s real government Republicans have their work cut out for them.


  1. Great article by Mr. Krotz. It is nice to have an honest and straightforward article about this man. My dad would not tolerate lying or bragging. It isn not condoned in the gospels of the Bible and particularly in the Book of James.

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