The Pursuit of Happiness


I was in Zomba, Malawi, Africa looking for a particular Presbyterian church where I had a meeting. This was back in the day before Presbyterians splintered into 6 or 60 sub-denominations and became indistinguishable from Baptists, so it should have been easy to find the church. But, it wasn’t. I stopped at a bicycle repair shop to ask for directions.

“I will take you there, father,” Henry Kachali said. “I am an elder in that church, and in good standing.” Henry owned the bicycle shop; he called me father because I’m old and have white hair.

It was a short walk to the church but long enough for Henry and me to become friends. In typical Malawian fashion, Henry joined the meeting uninvited and helped himself to coffee and some unattractive buns. The meeting was with two French guys I didn’t like much; they assumed Henry was with me because he took over the meeting. That was fine by me. I vaguely recall we discussed interest rates for agricultural loans, about which Henry had strong opinions.

Henry and I stay in contact by email. He’s a big Donald Trump fan because he’s seen him on WWE and because Trump is a fellow Presbyterian. I have refrained from telling Henry that Trump is a Presbyterian in the way that a 1971 Chevy Vega is an automobile. But, I digress…

“President Trump is very like our own President, Arthur Mutharika,” Henry wrote last week. “Neither is afraid of the lies newspapers tell about their sex lives, and they both beat crooked women to become President. And both are bringing God back into government.

“Even better,” he continued, “Mutharika has filled the government with excellent business people who speak plainly and know how to find investors. Because of them, China has purchased hundreds of thousands of hectares of land for cotton and is raining money on us. I believe Malawi will someday equal the USA in power and influence.”

Henry could be right. With the way things are going, it won’t be long before we’re standing right up there next to Malawi, or Somalia. How fast can you say, Jack Robinson?


  1. Wow! Really brings home the third world quality of our current leadership. I have only recently read, incidentally, of the extent of the investments that China has made in Africa. It should be of great concern to us all.

  2. A sad but beautiful story that rings with a loud peal of truth. Thank you for helping to wake some folks up, if they really understand it. Love your column

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