The Pursuit of Happiness


There is profound agreement among Americans of all political persuasions and parties that we’re going to hell in a handbasket. There’s also agreement that politicians are the ones carrying the handbasket. We agree they’re moving along at a brisk trot. What we can’t agree on is which party is more to blame. Wouldn’t it be good if we had some kind of test?

  1. Scott Fitzgerald may have provided such a test. He wrote, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold twoopposed ideasin mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”

Holding two opposed ideas in mind at the same time is a snap. Republicans are fine with the head of their party paying off porn stars, but adamantly demand installation and protection of Ten Commandments monuments on public land. It’s kind of like whipping moneylenders into the temple.

Democrats handle the two opposed ideas problem quite easily, too. For example, they believe in strong central government but have led the way in adopting policies for the privatization of our prisons, public schools, university research departments, mental health care systems, and other public responsibilities. Basically, Democrat leaders have acted like Arab sheiks selling off “beloved” daughters to the cheapest bidder.

Clearly, the value of the test is less about holding opposed ideas and more about measuring how well we “still retain the ability to function” as families, neighbors, communities, and as a nation. So how are we doing? Despite our myriad cockamamie ideas, are we enjoying life? Are we personally prospering? Are our families, neighbors, and communities at least adequately functional? If the answer is yes, then let’s relax and take it easy on ourselves – and others. After all, if you get to think crazy, it’s only fair they get to think crazy, too.

If the answer is no, maybe we’re not as smart as we think we are. Functioning is action, behaving, and requires putting some skin in the game. We can say we love America, our town, our families, but ideas – what we think – are meaningless unless we behave in the ways true lovers behave.


  1. Although Dems certainly have many flaws, I don’t agree regarding their leading the way with privatization. They have held the fort against it for Fannie and Freddie and the V.A. and Social Security. I’m counting on their continued resistance against privitizing education.

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