The Pursuit of Happiness


We’ve talked before about the word “congruence.” Congruence is the happy agreement between reason and nature, between what we say and what we do, and between what we think and what the facts are. Congruence also plays a part in how we morally or rationally judge someone or some event.

For example, true patriots march in the rain as well as in the sunshine. An exceptional nation produces exceptional outcomes, all within a rigorous and exceptional ethical framework. And Washington, Lincoln, and the Roosevelts set the bar for political leadership.

Sherlock Holmes couldn’t find the moral or rational center in today’s Republican Party, but its obvious and overriding governing strategy is to humiliate anyone who takes a stab at congruence – a ruse thoroughly enjoyed by stable geniuses and Putin fans from coast to coast. That said…

…isn’t it time for the Democratic Party to line up the facts and act on them? Every act of terrorism in the US since 9/11 has been handled by local law enforcement – with a secondary assist by the feds. Because George Bush disastrously called the attack on the World Trade Center an act of war – instead of the criminal act by a gang of thugs that it was – we’ve wasted a trillion dollars and nearly 6,000 lives in an endless, go-no-where war on To Whom It May Concern. Democrats need to get us out of the Mideast now and go after domestic terrorists – of all stripes, including hate groups.

Democrats do this by vigorously supporting local law enforcement and their community policing efforts, by making heavy investments in cyber-security to protect our energy and communications grids, and by respecting the men and women who oversee and maintain our national security.

Another step is for Democrats to admit that there is no false equivalency between the sexual predator Bill Clinton and the sexual predator Donald Trump. When you mention Stormy Daniels, and a Trump supporter says, “Oh, yeah! What about Bill and Monica?” the only congruent response is, “You’re right. We’ve got to stop electing pigs like those two.

“BTW, how do you feel about equal pay for equal work?”