The power of words



Attendees, mostly students, for the ES school board meeting filled all available chairs and then some, to show our support for Coach Penny Pemberton. She was terminated for dropping an F bomb during a volleyball game, an F bomb that no one outside the huddle heard. The F bomb is a regular feature in high school sports.

The principal’s excuse is lame and indefensible. This unpaid, passionate, dedicated, lady spends countless hours every year, including summers, training, coaching games and helping with other sports programs in our community.

Support Penny at the home game this Thursday at 4:30 in the Eureka Springs High School Gym. The principal has directly threatened the girls with ending their season if there are any further displays of support for Penny at games. Let’s not be bullied out of our first amendment rights. It’s not about the principal, it’s the principle.

Mark Eastburn