The new normal



I just read the latest Independent and I’m feeling really sad. I immediately clipped Dan Krotz’s “thanks for all the fish” column and put it with the collection of same on the side of my refrigerator – with the intent of rereading them some day, which I never do. But I’ll keep them anyhow. I’ll probably eventually take them off the refrigerator and file them under What a long, strange Journey it Has Been…

I’ve never met John [Heartbreak], and presumably never will, but I’ve enjoyed sitting down with him and a cup of coffee once a week to compare notes from two widely different lives that have ended up adjacent – geographically and philosophically. I’ll miss that. But mostly I’ll miss his dry, sometimes caustic, sense of humor which often left me smiling or laughing out loud – and only occasionally scratching my head and thinking “now what was that about?”

So, now that my once a week coffee date in the Pursuit of Happiness has been cancelled, I’m left with a practical dilemma. Do I continue to turn to the editorial page first when I read my ESI or do I just read the paper front to back, like a normal person probably does?

I’m not sure who to ask because I don’t think I know any normal people.

Gloria Churchill