The Nature of Eureka


Nature Cure

I attended a lecture a couple weeks ago on mammals, and the lecturer was explaining that in Arkansas mammal populations, when there is an imbalance of predators and species lower on the food chain, that leads to an upcurve in disease problems that bring the predated population back into balance.

Racoons are the primary example. Since there are few racoon predators these days (that is, humans are not hunting them much), their populations skyrocket over a predictable three-year period, then a disease condition runs through the population and bring it back into a “natural” balance. The fact is, the environment in the state of Arkansas can only support so many racoons, and they breed like rabbits.

Someone in the audience blurted out the obvious question, “What about the coronavirus in humans?” The presenter laughed. “This is Arkansas, it’s not coming here.” I looked at the person next to me, and we raised our eyebrows. Was the presenter joking or serious? I don’t know.

In case, you forgot, you’re a mammal. Mother Nature knows best and will find her own way creating her own balance. The human population has doubled since people planted footprints on the moon just 50 years ago. Take a deep breath.

Breathe deeper, because there’s 50 percent more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there was in 1969. You must breathe a little deeper to get more oxygen.

Why else would my Apple watch remind me to breathe several times a day? Will I need an app to remind me not to throw out corn cobs, but dry them and hoard them instead? Is Mother Nature winking a hint our way by unleashing a virus that spreads easily and attacks the bodily system we use to take a breath? I speculate in contemplation of my own high-risk mortality demographic.

You can’t fool Mother Nature. So, become part of her. In our new-found need for social isolation, take a walk. Get some exercise. Relieve some stress. Take a deep breath. Stop and smell the wildflowers. Observe the beauty around you. Enjoy the refreshing air after a spring rain. Visit a waterfall. These are all things that we can do to enhance our health. In social separation, enjoy nature.