The morel mushrooms the better


The Greater Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce will present the Eureka Springs Morel Mushroom Festival on April 16 at Pine Mountain Village from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

There will be seminars on mushrooming from 9 – 11 a.m. with topics:

  • Intro to Mycology – A study of biology concerned with fungi. Learn how to identify types of fungi, learn where they grow and the types of soil and trees that types of fungi like.
  • Safety Guidelines – Learn what you need before heading out into the woods.
  • Ethical Foraging – Learn to observe proper etiquette while hunting morels.
  • Proper cleaning and cooking of morels

There will be a morel hunt at 1 p.m. with prizes being awarded for the most found, largest and strangest looking morel. Other contests will include best morel joke, poem, song and more. Silver Dollar City will provide the prizes.

The event is free. If you would like to participate in the guided mushroom hunt the cost is $5. Remember to wear boots, gloves, etc. For more information about the event, booth space and sponsorships contact Chris Rodgers at (479) 253-8737.